Understanding Para-Church Ministry


Understanding Para-Church Ministry is a book that brings light to a lot of partial understanding, misunderstanding or just errant ignorance concerning the church, I remember when the lord was calling me into the ministry, I got confused about what he wanted me to do.

Do I start a church?

Do I start a Para-Church Ministry?

What exactly does starting a ministry mean or look like?
I only had examples of well-known American ministers who probably don’t pastor in a local church. Yet, they are still members of a church and most importantly, they minister as God’s representatives.

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Understanding Para-Church Ministry is a book that brings light to a lot of partial understanding, misunderstanding or just errant ignorance concerning the church, I remember when the lord was calling me into the ministry, I got confused about what he wanted me to do.

Do I start a church?

Do I start a Para-Church Ministry?

What exactly does starting a ministry mean or look like?
I only had examples of well-known American ministers who probably don’t pastor in a local church. Yet, they are still members of a church and most importantly, they minister as God’s representatives.

So I proposed within myself to follow innocently the ideas and understanding I have about what the Lord has instructed me to do.
Fortunately, I found out that many are being called into Para-Church Ministries, but have conflicted views about what that means and their roles within this system. Through the cause of this ignorance, many have either being misled into doing what they shouldn’t do or have been discouraged from doing what they should do.

The essence of this book is to help shed light on this great subject that has been largely neglected, frowned at or criticized.

A Short Glance At Understanding Para-Church Ministry

The Greek word for “Church” Is “EKKLESIA” which originally referred to as Assembly of CITIZENS in ancient Athens. overtime the meaning of the word shifted also to include the religious assembly of christians as used in the New Testament.

The word EKKLESIA also means “SELECTED” or “CALLED OUT ONES” this not a religious term at all but a political and a governmental term that is used many times in classical Greek for a group of people who have been summoned and gather together to govern the affairs of a city. ( ACT 19: 35 and 39).

I believe this short piece looks like what you what to read in details, what are you waiting for?