When I Sent You, Lacked Ye Anything ? Is An expose` on full Time ministry and Gods systems of financial sustenance for his minister and work.
When I Sent You, Lacked Ye Anything ? book focus on Gods systems of financially prospering his servants and the work he has committed into their hands. We would take a deep look at full time ministry, it’s biblical origin, Gods provision for the sustainability of the Levitical priesthood, what Jesus taught on the fact that the laborer is worthy of his wages.
what apostle Paul taught on tent making, Galatians 6:6, and on partnership as systems to providing for the work and the worker in ministry, and we also dive into practical ways by which ministers would no longer dread full time ministry because of the fear or concern for lack of funds and basic necessities for their lives and ministry .
Having been in full time ministry for over 13 years, and from the inception of been called of God to pioneer a work for him that has spread it’s influence and impact to major cities in the country I believe I have some level of authority to share on this subject .
A Short Glance At When I Sent You, Lacked Ye Anything?
The Foolish Servant Of God
About a year ago, I received a call from my ministry office, It was a pastor on the other side of the telephone. He said he had just finished listening to my radio program and he has been listening consistently for some time now.
he said he finished from a higher institution from kwara state in 2017, he had been waiting on the lord for a while until God told he told start a church fulltime…..
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