Watch Out For The Enemy Of Your Calling
Once a person receives a divine call from God you must Watch Out For The Enemy Of Your Calling, God shows his interest in using a person to fulfil his purposes on earth, the devil is never ignorant of such plans he therefore rages like a wounded lion to set traps from the conception of this person till when they grow up to when they receive their divine calling until they die.
The devil will set certain traps; some could be diabolical others could be known as the “sin which easily besets you”.
However, no matter which one he lays for you, his intentions are clear: to kill you and if not, to end your ministry, frustrate your calling, disgrace your anointing and if possible end your relationship with God.
This was what he tried to do with:
He knew he would receive a divine call to become a servant of God, guess what he did, he entered into his ancestry and introduced idol worship as a means of polluting and perverting his chances of recognizing the one true God and serving him, you must Watch Out For The Enemy Of Your Calling. Joshua 24:2.
2. EVE
Satan knows that one day, the seed that would come from a woman will obliterate Satan’s rule of death and sin from the face of the earth and judgement will swiftly come for him. So what did he do, he tempted the woman, enticed her till she fell and he entered into her bloodline and created the serpent seed from Cain down to the last man that does his bidding. Genesis 3:1.
Satan knew the Lord will use Moses to deliver his people out of captivity, create a nation that would whole heartedly seek and serve him, guess what he did? He caused the king of Egypt to give instructions to the midwives and doctors to kill all male children. Exodus 1:16
We can make this list long, however I believe you should know what I am driving at. Now guess what? He introduced this same ploy to:
Here Joshua was already an high priest, a great man of God, a general overseer, a set man and as usual Satan stood as the enemy of his calling, the enemy of your ministry, the enemy of your anointing to not plant a dirt on you but to accuse you, make you unfit, unqualified for your next great ministry, for your next great calling, you must be intentional to Watch Out For The Enemy Of Your Calling
For your next great anointing
For your next great mantle. Why?
Joshua the high priest wore a dirty garment which stands for sin, unbelief, die-hard religiosity, hypocrisy and unrepentant of God’s servant. Zachariah 3:1-10
Many years ago, this should be almost 20 years now, I was beginning to perceive the call of Godin my life and seeking the face of God on how to respond to it. Then one day, I fell into a trance (I have had this experience not many times).
In that trance, I saw myself being hanged with chains, my hands were tied upward, hooked to a hook on the ceiling while my body was left falling down hard. Whilst I came to consciousness in that vision, I saw several ladies dressed to torture as you might have seen in those movies. I was continually beaten with all sorts of weapons, from cane to whips, to slaps and all. I suddenly woke up out of the trance by a loud voice in the shadows of that hall saying, Beware! Beware!
Women are your doom! Women are what would cut you short! As I woke up, I knew immediately what the trance meant. I know for sure, I must be careful of sexual immorality or womanizing.
As I write this piece now, I strongly believe the Lord was showing me a loophole I must overcome, a satanic agent of immorality I must not succumb to, I must not allow this to ruin my life else, I would or could lose my ministry.
This is what I call the sin which easily besets you according to Hebrews 12:1
“So we must let go of every wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into (the sin that so cleverly entangles us: The sin that is ready and waiting for us”) TPT
It is also called the parasitic sin (MSG)
Yours could be stealing, lying, rebellion, pride sexual immorality or perversion, Greed and what have you.
This is one of the enemies of my calling, the enemy of your calling has laid wait in the shadows, waiting for you, to strike you down. My question to you :
Have you identified it?
Have you renounced it?
Have you overcome its pull?
Or what are you waiting for?
I pray the Lord gives you understanding and discernment to watch out for the enemy of your calling in order to overcome in Jesus name, Amen.
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