Disciples and work of ministry






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Out Of Nothing Comes Something

1. Out Of Nothing Comes Something.
2. Prophecy (Taking paths which He prepared before hands).
3. Prophecy (The unveiling plan).
4. Your Seperation.

Christian Missions & Missionaries

1. Introduction.
2. Christian Missions & Missionaries
3. Witnessing
4. He That Reapeth

Facts and Foundations

1. First things first.
2. Facts and Foundations For A Successful Ministry.
3. Facts and Foundations For A Successful Ministry Part II.
4. Charging Orders For Years To Come.
5. Charging Orders For Years To Come Part II.

Be Quick

1. How Quick Are You to Believe.
2. How Quick are you to Obey.
3. Being Quick to Heal.
4. Being Quick to Understand.

How to be a good assistant

1. 7 Principles of a Good Assistant.
2. A Good Assistant as a Friend.
3. A Good Assistant as A Son.
4. A Good Assistant as a Wife.
5. A Good Assistant as Armour Bearer.
6. How to handle Disagreement with your Leader.
7. The Branch Cordinator as a Faithful Steward.
8. The Branch Cordinator As An Assistant.
9. The Ministry of the Assistant.

Loyalty and Disloyalty

1. Culture of Allegiance.
2. How to be a Loyal Member and Leader.
3. Lessons on Loyalty (Part 2).
4. Lessons on Loyalty.
5. Rebellion.
6. Signs of Disloyalty
7. Stages of Disloyalty

Having the right spirit

1. Guard Your Heart.
2. Having the right spirit.
3. In The Beginning-Your Salvation.
4. Oblique Mind.
5. The Profit of Ministry.


1. Fighting Against The Law of Humanity.
2. Final Charge.
3. How to Fight Barrenness.
4. Intercession, Law of Degeneration.
5. Overcoming Barrenness II.
6. Overcoming Barrenness I.
7. The Anointing in the Field.
8. The Honor and The Anointing.

Catching the spirit of the house

1. Catching the Spirit of the House.
2. Few Things To Catch.
3. Introduction to Allos.

Church Growth Through the Anointing

1. Dynamics of A Camp.
2. Followup Evangelism.
3. How I Became Anointed.
4. How to Be Annointed.
5. How to Develop Committed Members.
6. Reach4Life The Mega Ministry.
7. The Anointing.

December Retreat

1. How To Be A Special Servant Of God.
2. Make Yourselves Saviors of Men.
3. Mazimizing Personal Retreat.
4. Mountain of the Lord's House and the In-Gathering.
5. Reasons You Should Write Down Prophesies.
6. Signs of Sons and Daughters.
7. The Work Of Ministry.

Discipleship In Focus

1. Discipleship, Gods way to Growth.
2. What is Discipleship Part 1.
3. What is Discipleship Part 2.
4. Who is A Disciple Part 1.
5. Who is A Disciple Part 2.
6. Who is A Disciple Part 3.
7. Who is A Disciple Part 4.
8. Why become a Disciple.
9. Discipleship, God's Way of Making Replacement Sons and Daughters.
10. Divine Concentration.
11. Dont Waste Your Divine Timinge.
12. Conditions for Discipleship.
13. God's Invitation of Discipleship.
14. Test by Elimination.
15. Test for Commitment.

Formular for humility

1. Formular for Humility Intro.
2. Give Honor.
3. Humble Yourself.
4. How to be humble like a child.
5. How to be Humble Like a Child (Part 2).
6. How to be Humble Like a Child (Part 3).
7. How to diagnose proud speaking.

How to Make Disciple

1. Discipleship and Disciple Making.
2. Environment for Discipleshp.
3. Who can Disciple People.
4. Act Responsible.

Eternal Life

1. New You
2. Eternal Life.
3. Knowing God.


1. Friendship
2. Friendship

How to Hear God's Voice

1. God's Sheep Do Hear His Voice.
2. How God Speaks.

Positive Ministry of The Holy Spirit

1. Positive Ministry of The Holy Spirit.
2.Sin of Unbelief.

Spirit, Soul and Body

1. Spirit, Soul and Body 1
2.Spirit, Soul and Body 2

Stewardship and Church Discipline

1. Stewardship and Church Discipline 1

2. Stewardship and Church Discipline 2

3. Stewardship and Church Discipline 3

Gifts of The Spirit

1. The Importance of Spirital Gifts.
2. Manifestation of the Spirit.
3. The Gift of the word of wisdom.

4. The Gift of the Word of Knwoledge & Discernings of Spirits.

5. The Gift of Faith & Gift of Healings.

6. The Gift of Workings of Miracles & Gift of Prophecy.

7. How To Exercise Spiritual Gifts.

8. How To Judge Rigthly Prophecy.

9. Impactation.


1. The Primary Purpose of Prayer.
2. Speak to the Mountain.

Hardness of Heart

1. The Crisis.
2.The Cause

Ministry of The Word

1. Transform By the Word

2. The Word Pt1
3. The Word Pt2

Top 10 Mistakes Pastors Make

1. Being Slow About Ministry
2. Downplaying the importance of sacrifice
3. Receiving Honor From Men

The War is Over

1. Good Will Towards Men
2. Once and For All Eternity

Faith Practical

1. Faith is Consistent

2. Faith is Belief

3. Faith Sacrifices

4. Faith Supplemented By Moral Character.

5. Righteousness By Faith.

6. Faith Always Overcomes.

7. A Man of Faith is a Man of Prayer.

8. Faith is A Life-Style.

9. Faith Can Be Seen.

10. Great Faith Takes, Accepts and Use God's Work As the Utmost and Ultimate.

11. Faith is Boldness and Specific in Prayer.

12. Faith Means Continue with The Lord Till The End.

13. Deep Trust, Revelation and Useage of And In The Name of Jesus in The Foundation of Faith.

14. Established in The Teaching and Doctrine Of Christ.

15. Submitting and Believing In The Lordship Of Jesus Christ.

16. Faith Has Laws.

17. Faith is Not A Feeling.

18. Faith Provides For His Own.

19. Faith Keeps To Promises.

20. Faith Is A Result of What Jesus Did.

21. Growing Faith Endures.

Good General

1. The Business of War

2. Selection and Maintenance of Aim

3. A Good General and Sustainability of The Mission

4. Economy of Effort

5. A Good General Does not Rely on Sheer Numbers

6. Unity At All Levels

7. A Good General Must Judge By Actions


1. A Brother Offended

2. Jesus Teaching on Offence and Reconciliation

3. The Prodigal Son and His Steps To Reconciliation

4. Hath Zimri Peace?

5. Leadership and The Little Fox That Destroys The Vineyard

6. Right Ways to Resolve Misunderstanding

7. There is A Generation

Honour Your Prophet

1. Honour Your Prophet and Prosper.

2. Levels of Honouring.

3. Rewards of Honouring.

Mysteries of Spiritual Fatherhood

1. The Genesis

2. Reasons why problems are transferred

3. Who is a Spiritual Father

4. Rewards for Honouring Spiritual Father

5. Six Signs of Spiritual Sons and Daughters

6. Beware(Disloyalty)

7. Familiarity

8. The Anointing(Cyrus)

9. Our Year of Mercy

10. Prayer and Prophecy


Delilah- The Slay Queen 1

Delilah- The Slay Queen 2

Esther - The Lady Star 1

Esther - The Lady Star 2

Ruth- The Daughter Figure

2 Timothy 2vs2

1. 2 Timothy 2vs2 Part 1

2. 2 Timothy 2vs2 Part 2

3. 2 Timothy 2vs2 Part 3

4. 2 Timothy 2vs2 Part 4

Spiritual Home Training

1. Spiritual Home Training 1

2. Spiritual Home Training 2


1. Submission Means Do Not Despise

2. Submission Means Honour and Look up to

3. Submission Means Prompt Obedience

What Do You Have In Your Hands?

1.What Do You Have In Your Hands? Part 1

2. What Do You Have In Your Hands? Part 2

3. What Do You Have In Your Hands? Part 3

Boys Before Flower

1. Reuben- The Unstable Part 1

2. Reuben- The Unstable Part 2

3. Reuben- The Unstable Part 3

4. Esau- The Impious Part 1

5. Esau- The Impious Part 2

5. Esau- The Impious Part 3


1. Anatomy of Love.
2. Dont Leave God's Family for You.
3. First Things First.
4. Galatians 6:6.
5. God First.
6. Insight for Establishment.
7. Misleading Colleagues sin of the devil.
8. Remember.
9. Revealer of Secret.
10. Strange Fire.
11. The Art of Shepherding.
12. The Art of Soaking in Tapes (Part 1).
13. The Art of Soaking in Tapes (Part 2).
14. The Luciferic Anointing.
15. One Talent
16. Our Year of Flourishing