Where Are The Missionaries
This book where Are The Missionaries was birthed from the study of this book ” One hundred and Twenty reasons for been a soul winner” by Bishop Dag Heward Mills, I got to a particular paragraph and the Holy-Spirit spoke to me, “write a book, encouraging Christians to go back and continue real missions, encourage Christian to become missionaries”.
in this book you will understand what it means to serve the lord, a world with time, faithfulness, christian mission and missionaries, witnessing, the anointing, how to be a special servant of God and much more.
This book where Are The Missionaries was birthed from the study of this book ” One hundred and Twenty reasons for been a soul winner” by Bishop Dag Heward Mills, I got to a particular paragraph and the Holy-Spirit spoke to me, “write a book, encouraging Christians to go back and continue real missions, encourage Christian to become missionaries”.
in this book you will understand what it means to serve the lord, a world with time, faithfulness, christian mission and missionaries, witnessing, the anointing, how to be a special servant of God and much more.
A Short Glance At where Are The Missionaries
there is a difference between people who serve God. I want you to believe that been a servant of God is a supernatural thing and there will be a difference between people who serve him and people who do not and you must believe that as soon as you take a mantle if been a servant of God, you have taken up an unusual position in the realm of the spirit. You must realize that a lot of the physical things is from the book of job.
You will see that all things that happened to job came as a result of satan been released against job, armed robbers came to him, his house got burnt, all his camel which were his business got burned down, his families were killed and then he got sick, all as a result of an evil spirit that was working. So all these things are spiritual in their origin, therefore deciding to serve God is placing yourself in an unusual position where you are special to God and God will take special interest in you.
This is a must read for every believer and ministers
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