Sin of Balaam: Leading Others into Backsliding
Could one man’s greed and deception still be influencing believers today? Discover how the Sin Of Balaam: Leading Others Into Backsliding—and how to avoid the same trap.
“Behold, these caused the Israelites by THE COUNSEL OF BALAAM to trespass and act treacherously against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and so a [smiting] plague came among the congregation of the Lord.” Numbers 31:16 (AMPC)
When we hear of the sin of Balaam, we popularly only hear of his greed for money and how he merchandise the prophetic ministry for gain. However, most of you reading this, don’t know or realize that the main reason that ended his ministry totally, prematurely and in disgrace wasn’t basically merchandising the prophetic ministry. Rather, it was because he used his teaching platform, his teaching influence, his leadership and authority to teach people to sin and cause many of God’s people to backslide. This is definitely the sin of Balaam: leading or teaching people into sin or backsliding.
Dear servant of God, honestly evaluate yourself, could you be causing your ministry to come into ruin, disgrace and total obliteration by what you teach, encourage and cause those who listen to you, those who trust you, those who come under your influence to do? You know in your heart of heart, that you are just leading these people to service your lustful passions in whatever category. Repent quickly, desist immediately and the Lord will give you mercy.
I promised to give them a good life with many blessings. Levi received what I promised to him. He served me and he respected me, as a priest should do. He taught my true message. HE DID NOT TEACH PEOPLE ANYTHING THAT WAS BAD. He lived in a good and honest way as he served me. HE HELPED MANY PEOPLE TO STOP DOING WRONG THINGS.
BUT YOU PRIESTS DO NOT SERVE ME IN THE RIGHT WAY. WHAT YOU TEACH CAUSES MANY PEOPLE TO DO WRONG THINGS. In that way, you have spoiled the covenant that I made with Levi.’ That is what the Lord Almighty says.
Malachi 2:5-6, and 8 (EasyEnglish)
This is what ends, will end and in the process ruin and disgrace ministries, churches, Pastors, Evangelists, Prophet, Apostles, Teachers and You. Rather this is what God expects from you and you will flourish in your ministry with grace and longevity.
“We will go to them as apostles and teach them to be set free from offering sacrifices to idols, sexual immorality, and eating anything strangled or with any blood.” Acts 15:20 (TPT)
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