Cyrus: Our prophetic prototype
Cyrus: Our Prophetic Prototype explains that whatever is prophecy to us, is history with God .
If we therefore must be prophetic people, we must not only be in the power manifestation of prophecy: which is the revelation side of it , but we must be student of history and current affairs, in order to judge current affairs in light of bible prophecy.
Cyrus: Our Prophetic Prototype explains that whatever is prophecy to us, is history with God .
If we therefore must be prophetic people, we must not only be in the power manifestation of prophecy: which is the revelation side of it , but we must be student of history and current affairs, in order to judge current affairs in light of bible prophecy.
A Detailed Description Of The Book:
Cyrus : Our Prophetic Prototype take us through the journey of what the prophetic is really about.
Don’t be weary about prophecy: the unfolding of Gods plans and purpose concerning you or whatever he has in store for you, all because it dose not fit into your calender!
Isaiah 44: 24 and 28 (NLT)
At this point Cyrus was shocked even to the bones, he even asked when the prophecy was written to which they repliedabout 150 years ago, he even went further to ask why the prophecy has his name on it, still amazed he pondered aloud, how prophet Isaiah would say the God of the jew has instructed him to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
God operate beyond time, which means his thought and plans for you are basically not time bound until it comes to the earth realm, where it has to be measured to determine how it works in our settings and society.
You will learn from this book the chronicles and unfolding of God’s plans, purpose and pursuits for Judah, Jerusalem, temple and “his moses” Cyrus.
By the time you are done reading, studying and contemplating on this perspective of prophecy, you will be encouraged to believe in the durability of God’s prophetic words to you, they do not fall to the ground , they accomplish what God pleases. No matter how prophecy is delayed concerning you, it shall surely come to pass .
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