This book Divination gives a deep understanding that there has always been and will always be a perversion of Gods system and orders by satanic entities. Divination is actually one of the perversions that demonic entities introduced and taught the human generation.
There are ways to know when an individual is operating under the inspiration of divination and THIS BOOK , SHINES THE LIGHT OF THE WORD OF GOD AND ON FIELD EXPERIENCE to help you navigate your way out of such influences
You will learn
- How fallen angles taught the human race, witchcraft, DIVINATION, herbal medicine and so on
- The telecommunications networks of familiar spirits
- Mediums of divination
- Deception the attraction of divination
This book Divination gives a deep understanding that there has always been and will always be a perversion of Gods system and orders by satanic entities. Divination is actually one of the perversions that demonic entities introduced and taught the human generation.
There are ways to know when an individual is operating under the inspiration of divination and THIS BOOK , SHINES THE LIGHT OF THE WORD OF GOD AND ON FIELD EXPERIENCE to help you navigate your way out of such influences
You will learn
- How fallen angles taught the human race, witchcraft, DIVINATION, herbal medicine and so on
- The telecommunications networks of familiar spirits
- Mediums of divination
- Deception the attraction of divination
A Short Glance At Divination
A prophetic experience is a supernaturally inspired event or action, whose source of inspiration could either be from God or the devil. My emphasis, for now, is the one inspired by the devil. We must realize that every prophetic experience which can come in the form of dreams, visions, hearing voices, etc., has an agenda or end goal.
A godly prophetic experience is meant to lead you back to God, restore the broken relationship you had with God, and set you free from bondage and deception. But when it is satanically inspired, it seeks to subtly take you away from God and the things that pertain to true godly and productive activity. It makes you gradually start getting lethargic and relaxed about your spiritual life.
Many of these satanic prophetic experiences first come with dynamic encounters, manifestations with confirmations that are outstanding, but in reality, they are just meant to be a means to an end, to deceive you, harden your heart against the balanced word of God, against God’s Holy Spirit and His true servants (Ezekiel 13 vs 6 & 22).
This book is a must have and read for all those interested or involved in the prophetic ministry
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