Instinct: The Way of Divine Leading
INSTINCT: A way of BEHAVING, THINKING, or FEELING that is not learned. A natural DESIRE or TENDENCY that makes you want to act in a particular way. When the Holy Spirit begins to make you NOTICE things, ATTITUDES, EVENTS, PEOPLE, and so on around you, he is leading you through the spirit of WISDOM this is INSTINCTIVE.
When the holy spirit begins to ILLUMINATE your mind by teaching, explaining, breaking down the process, making difficult or complex issues light, all in the process of his TEACHING you, taking away the DARKNESS, the confusion, the dread, and fear of the issues. making that mountain of yours flat, giving you light and UNDERSTANDING about a matter, my friend this is ANOTHER MANIFESTATION OF DIVINE GUIDANCE OR LEADING this is INSTINCTIVE.
In this book INSTINCT: The Way Of Divine Leading, you will understand A way of BEHAVING, THINKING, or FEELING that is not learned. A natural DESIRE or TENDENCY that makes you want to act in a particular way. When the Holy Spirit begins to make you NOTICE things, ATTITUDES, EVENTS, PEOPLE, and so on around you, he is leading you through the spirit of WISDOM this is INSTINCTIVE.
When the holy spirit begins to ILLUMINATE your mind by teaching, explaining, breaking down the process, making difficult or complex issues light, all in the process of his TEACHING you, taking away the DARKNESS, the confusion, the dread, and fear of the issues. making that mountain of yours flat, giving you light and UNDERSTANDING about a matter, my friend this is ANOTHER MANIFESTATION OF DIVINE GUIDANCE OR LEADING this is INSTINCTIVE.
A short Excerpt from Instinct
Also Instinct is something you know and do without learning it or thinking about it. In essence, any behaviour is instinctive, if it’s performed without being based upon prior consciousness ( that is, in the absence of learning). Sea turtles newly hatched on a beach, will instinctively move towards the oceans. A marsupial climb into his mother’s pouch upon been born. Honeybees reflect communicate by dancing in the direction of a food source without formal instructions. Other example include animal fighting, animal courtship behaviours, internal escape functions and the building of nests.
Instinct are different from reflex, for better understanding let take a study from animals.
‘Do not even nature itself teach us’
1 Corinthians 11:14
And several times in the scripture, the usage of animal as symbols to explain or teach about something has greatly used, because we understand many things as relating to us about the kingdom of God if we also can consider one or two things from the animal, mal kingdom.
INSTINCT is an outstanding book you must read
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