Know The Secret
Know the secret is a book that helps you to connect with God who reveals secrets.
“ He is the unveiler of deep and secret things. He has knowledge of what is in the dark, and the light has its living place with him” (BBE) Daniel 2:22
A Short Glance At Know The Secret
Secret is something studiously concealed, a thing kept from general knowledge which is not revealed or not to be revealed.
Know the secret is a book that helps you to connect with God who reveals secrets.
“ He is the unveiler of deep and secret things. He has knowledge of what is in the dark, and the light has its living place with him” (BBE) Daniel 2:22
A Short Glance At Know The Secret
Secret is something studiously concealed, a thing kept from general knowledge which is not revealed or not to be revealed.
Many times, people can take you to ba a fool, by the way they act act and lie to you because they know you are a Christian whose eyes are blind and ears are deaf! (Mercy!) This is why many people don’t fear or respect God and his servant because they realized “ the man of God is blind and deaf, he can’t know when I am playing trick on him”, That is not to be so.
Now, Why must you know the secret?
1. To give you mastery over such individuals or situations
There were many times the Pharisee would ask Jesus a question, they intend to make him say something that would incriminate him but Jesus knew their heart, took control of the situation and carefully said whatever he had to say in wisdom.
This is a very important aspect to note, we must be discerning not everyone we must talk to, not everyone we must counsel, not everyone we must bring close, some people are just sent as a snare or trap against you.
2. It gives you comfort
There is a kind of comfort that comes to you after a certain disaster happens, because the lord showed it to you to strengthen you and help you from falling apart.
I believe this is enlightening, you will benefit more by having a thorough read.
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