Sisters: Insight, Foresight and Hindsight
In this book Sisters: Insight, Foresight and Hindsight you as a sister will learn through the pattern of our female predecessors in the Bible on how to serve God and how to come out of the generally conceived opinions of who you are, come out and become a leader in the midst of your peers.
In this book Sisters: Insight, Foresight and Hindsight, you as a sister will learn through the pattern of our female predecessors in the Bible on how to serve God and how to come out of the generally conceived opinions of who you are, come out and become a leader in the midst of your peers.
Sisters: Insight, Foresight and Hindsight should not be generalized rather should be read with open heart in order to apply lessons learnt to ones life.
I find that a woman whose thoughts are like traps and snares is more bitter than death itself. Even her hands are like chains. Whoever pleases God will escape her, but she will catch whoever continues to sin. Ecclesiastes 7 vs 26 (Gods word).
This book captures the life and perspective of women such as:
- Eve 2. Sarah 3. Deborah 4. Jezebel 5. Mary 6. Esther And so on.
Enjoy a Short Glance From Sister: Insight, Foresight and Hindsight
Genesis 23:1, 2, and 19
Sarah Be Accommodating And Hospitable
Many sisters feel irritated when a visitor is around, they feel very uncomfortable when a stranger comes Knocking, they feel rude and selfish when they need to be of assistant to people.
Sarah had a different spiri, she laboured hard and fast to prepare a delicious meal for the visitors that came around.
Sister Sarah, many times it be you are taking care, feeding or assisting your divine helper, as you practice this promise provoking act of been generous and kind to visitors. Let it be that your home is reputed for feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, helping the sick ( in your own way) to recover.
This was the life style of Sarah who eventually had the promise over her life fulfilled. Although I have discovered that many women are generous and kind, few are stingy, greedy and selfish. Don’t be like that be eager to lend a helping hand.
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